My aim for image manipulation for this image it to make the light bulbs look as though they're melting. To do this I will use the liquidity tool in photoshop.
Overall, I think this edit went perfectly with the image. The colours are warm so it gives a warm feel to the image. Therefore, it makes sense that the light bulbs might be melting.
How to:
Open your selected image in photoshop.
When loaded, click filters.
Then select liquify. (shortcut- shift+alt+X)
When selected, it will lead you to this page. To start creating simply choose the size of the brush and pressure at the right side of the screen. Once done, select the forward wrap tool at the left top of the screen.
Then simply select the area you want liquefied and drag down or up. Continue until you're happy with the result.
Once you're happy with the result, press of and then save the image.
My Photo Manipulation:
Whilst looking throw videos of how to create different photo manipulations, one of the popular images was the floating island. I wanted to create an image similar because I found it very interesting and I wanted to have a play with the process of creating it. All the images I used were from google, they included two sky photographs in which I blended together, a picture of a fairy which I cut out and dragged onto the image of the sky, floating island and silhouetted birds which I repeated the same steps for the fairy. I enjoyed this process more than the process of using the liquefy tool as it wasn't as tedious. Also, you could have a play with the colour balance throughout the process instead of having to wait till the end.
I didn't really have an idea of what I wanted the outcome to be however, I'm very happy with it. I tried different things with this image including trying to make it melt however, I didn't like the look of it. After a while, I got really frustrated and just randomly started to liquify random sections. That's when I realised I could make something very pretty. I realised that if I continuously moved in a circular motion, I would end up with a whirl of colours. Personally, I think it looks like an artist paint palette. With all the beautiful colours.
One of the strongest factors of this sculpture is the very fine, straight lines. So, I decided to distort them, however, I didn't want to change the shape of it overall. I still wanted people to know what it was. Also, I think the sculpture is very unique and I didn't want to take that away from it. Overall I really like this image however, I personally don't think it gives as much as the other examples of photo manipulation.
Person in a bottle:
Choose a picture of the bottles you want to use.
Start by opened the picture/s you want to use. Including the glass bottle.
Select the quick selection tool and outline the subject in which you want to transfer.
Once that is done, click the move tool and simply drag the subject you've selected onto the desired image by dragging it onto the tab located at the top of the area.
Then making sure layer one is highlighted blue on the right side of the screen, go into edit and free transform. (CTRL+T)Once the rectangle is surrounding, Adjust the sizing, whilst holding down shift so it doesn't become deformed.
Repeat as many times you want. I've chosen to do one more of my subject 'falling' into the bottle.
If you need a reflection, which I need in this image, left click the layer you need duplicating and select duplicate layer.
The layer is on top of the original layer, so by selecting and dragging, it will separate the two. Repeat the steps of free transferring the image. For reflections, you'll need to spin the image 180 degrees.
Place in the area. After this, the last steps will to simply adjust the fills of the layers. Making sure, the reflection is a lot less filled that the others.
Whilst I was editing this image, my model just wouldn't blend in with the photo. I tried adjusting the fill to make it look like she was inside the bottle however, it still wouldn't work. So, I turned to full down to 94% and turned it to black and white. This isn't my favourite image however it was my first and I was just experimenting.
This is the last image that I made for person in a bottle. but, I didn't want to put it her in the bottle. I wanted to do something different but I knew because of the task it still had to include a bottle. Therefore I put her on top of the bottle. It almost looks like she's peering in.
(All images of bottle are taken from google images.)
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