Friday, 15 January 2016

Final Evaluation

Task 1-

Task one is always a research task. I really enjoy researching different photographers and techniques they've used. However, that's all the task is. Sometimes it gets repetitive to start every Unit with the same thing but it'd be nice to incorporate something else with it so we aren't just sat researching as it can get draining.

Task 2-
Task two was another research task. We were asked to research photographic processing laboratories. The whole point was to find processing laboratories in West Yorkshire and find the prices and what deals they have as it was coming up to Christmas. As I was researching, one laboratory did photo manipulation which came in handy as one of the tasks were photo manipulation. Again, I like researching but it's very repetitive however, I understand that it has to be done.

Task 3-
Task three was to go out and photograph digital images of glass. I liked this task as it enabled us to get out of the classroom and to do some photography. However, finding interesting glass was a struggle, I enjoyed it a lot as it gave us a rough idea of what to shoot when we came onto shooting in black and white film.

Task 4-
Task four was to go out and shoot a black and white film. I decided that I would go out to the media museum and photograph the numerous urban lights that they have their. Although there wasn't much colour, it didn't matter as it was black and white. I also went into centenary square to shoot some reflection images of the town hall into the water of the fountains. However, when it came to the processing of the film, it came out blank. I then knew I had to reshoot in my own time so I went down to salt mills. I spent the full day shooting reflections on the river to the glass inside the building. Again, when it came to processing the films at ProAm, they came out blank. The majority of the class also had this happen to them therefore, I think it was due to faulty film.

Task 5-
Task five was again, a black and white film however, using an object. I decided to use a bottle and tie a ribbon around the top and a paper tag to add extra detail. I really enjoyed shooting these images as it gave us time to experiment with the light sensors and different placements of the object. Overall, I really enjoyed this task and the images that I captured came out very good.

Task 6-
Task six was to do risk assessments for the darkroom including the do's and don'ts. It was a vey simply, straight forward task and it didn't take that long to complete. It was good to refresh the memory of the rules in the darkroom as we haven't been in for so long.

Task 7-
Task seven was my favourite task by far. It was to shoot reflections. I really enjoyed looking for the reflections and trying to get the most unique ones. although the majority of the time was spent looking for them, I enjoyed photographing them and finding out what apatures will would work and what wouldn't.

Task 8-
The comparison shoot was very interesting. I liked enjoying shooting on both camera's side by side to see the differences and also to see how different but how sometimes how similar the images come out on colour film and digital. I really enjoyed it.

Task 9-
The Christmas task was pretty easy. It was to simply photograph baubles and lights. There wasn't much too it therefore, it felt like it was just taking images. I didn't enjoy it as much s the others.

Task 10-
Task ten was to manipulate your images. I found this very frustrating but very satisfying. Although it was very fiddly and frustrating, when you eventually get the hand of it, the end result looks very good. I enjoyed playing around with the different brushes an techniques that I youtube'd how to create a floating island. It came out quite good.

Task 11-
Putting a person in a bottle was one of the easiest to do when it came to photo manipulation. It was quite simple when it came to photoshope however, whilst in the studio and getting the right positions for the model to be able to fit in was quite difficult however, it came out very well. I enjoyed it a lot.

Over all this Unit taught me a lot about photoshop and I enjoyed being able to go into the darkroom again. I really enjoyed the amount of freedom we had and I also liked playing around in photoshop. However, the mishap with the film caused a lot of stress and anxiety. But, this was my favourite unit, so far.

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