Thursday, 17 March 2016


For my last project, I want to photograph people in general. I want to capture fashion, communication and habits that we all have. For my fashion, my main inspiration is David Bailey's older work. I love the simplicity of his work, especially how he captures the era that he's shooting in, so perfectly. For communications, I took my inspiration not from a photographer, but from social media itself. Social media has become a massive part on how this generation communicates and in everyday life therefore, I want to go out and photograph, face to face interactions. And again, inspiration for photographing habits come purely from observing everything around me. Although they are three very different subjects I think they will all look well together within my final images. As my work will include a various range of styles, I think my target audience will be very universal. As my inspiration for fashion will be David Bailey's older work, I will shoot my fashion in the studio on black and white film. This is because I don't only want to capture the simplicity, I also want to do everything to capture the era also. For the communications and habit side, I want to focus more on location as I want it to be as natural as possible. I want to use the 135mm lens for my location so the focus is on the subject and also to create depth of field. For my final images, I want to have at least 2 from each subject, tying them all together by framing them in the same type of frames. I look forward to seeing how my final major project turns out. 

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